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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mild Sleep Apnea

Today was an exhausting day and stressful.  Rami and I went for the follow-up of his sleep study that he had about a month ago.  He has sleep apnea, that is why he is lethargic sometimes even though he is much better this year than last.  His tonsils are huge.  He gets that wonderful trait from his dad. 

Our appt was at 10:50, we arrived early to fill out paperwork and wait.  I sat there observing kids who have some significant issues and count my blessings that we are just dealing with obesity and some breathing that stops and starts while he is asleep.  The highlight of the wait for me was when this teenage boy was pushed in a wheelchair to the reception desk. He had a white blanket covering his legs and his hands.  One of the men was handing him one of the sheets to sign and it was difficult for him to move.  I was thinking, Oh my god he must have some sort of paralysis, he can't move his hands.  Imagine my surprise when one of the men he was with pulled out some keys and seperated the handcuffs.  I felt horrible for this kid and then my mind starts to race.  Rami was in the bathroom and what if this kid overtakes the guards and holds us hostage?  I was thinking of moving my seat.  If anyone saw the season finale of "Grey's Anatomy" you will know what I am talking about.  Or wasn't this on the news a few weeks ago where someone shot a doctor because he couldn't fix the problem?
Anyway, the kid was rolled away and then Rami came back to his seat next to me.  I then decided I had to go to the bathroom, Rami questioned me,  Again? Yes, I have to go again.  I had already been once before but it had been about 20mins.  Plus I knew that when I was sitting on the toilet they would call us.  They did and we went in.

Nurse comes in and runs a wand over Rami's forehead and ends up behind his ear.  Temperature Normal
Listens to heart, fine

Physicians Assistant comes in-very sweet, young, wearing pantyhose,(can't stand them) and cute little kitten heel pumps.  I wonder how she walks around all day like that.

She explains, anything over 1.5 episodes of breathing interruption is concerning.  Rami is a 2.  Of course a gray area.  I love the color gray, I just painted my new bathroom that color.  Anyway we talk with this woman and we feel pretty good.  Mild Sleep Apnea, mild is good.  The report recommends medication and weight loss and Rami and I are feeling positive.  I mean she mentioned surgery but it seemed to me that with diet and exercise, which I know how to do, I guess Rami will have to diet and exercise too, and then we can fix this non-invasively. 

Dr. Amin comes in well, yes lose weight but you need to be concerned with right sided heart failure.  She says that if she was going to die she would want to die right away not suffer for a few years before hand.  What?  Are you fuckin kidding me?  Rami's eyes begin to get red and I say to her, defending my son, because she isn't going to.  I don't mean to offend you but surgery really is a last resort.   Surgeons like to do surgery and this isn't your child.  We will wait and see.  Take our time to decide.
Rami says he wants everything God gave him when he was born until the day  he dies!  Chip off the old block.
We leave and I tell him I love him and we will figure this out. 

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